Life is so uncertain that we always end up agonizing about our future. What is it like to stay calm in all the circumstances? Is there a way out of the typical human behavior? Nature teaches us the cycle of good and bad in our lives but we have not got the maturity to trust the flow of nature. We have always endeavored certain things in our lives- fame, love, respect, material gains, etc., but at the same time, we do not understand the uncertainties of such gains. Happiness as well as sadness have the tendency to repeat itself from time to time. This impermanency teaches us to remain calm in any situation that we are put in. Such impermanency is the beauty of life, isn't it? When there is happiness, we all strive hard to keep it with us, and at the same time, when there is sorrow, we try all possible ways to make each day better than the previous day. That's the law of nature.
But have we ever made an attempt to remain calm in all the situations amidst the complexity? To remain calm and composed in all the demanding situations has become more complex than the situation itself, isn't it? The beauty and the power of any human being lie in how better we respond to such petrifying moments in life. Calmness can be termed as elementary, but it takes a very strong human mind to understand the nectar of the term to implement. The root of being calm starts from our panicking and our overreaction to the alarming circumstances. How well can this be introspected and handled? Whenever we are in the midst of alarming situations, our panicking starts with uneven breath count. The breath count of a person in a normal situation ranges from 12-16 breaths per minute. During a spooky situation, the breath count shoots up to 25-30 breaths per minute. In one way, this harms our health but at the same time, this panicking triggers us to overreact or underreact to the petrifying situation. Every time, we need to check our breath count whenever we start to panic because the breath alone remains with us till our death amidst all the impermanent things. You may be amused to see how this excellently works in problem-solving. I am not giving a tip here to solve the problem. We all better know to solve anything more than the approach. I just want to throw light upon the approach to better problem-solving. This understanding of the breath change during a demanding moment regularizes our breath, allows us to accept the reality and intricacies of the situation, and also to find suitable solutions. Why don't we all try once and see the difference?